Improv Quilting: Always an Experiment

I love improv quilting, but I find it difficult. It shouldn't be that way, I mean it is supposed to be free and make it up as you go. But my brain has a hard time adjusting to the process. So I decided to create a small throw quilt as a way to use up some scraps and to practice my improv piecing skills. The result was quite pleasing and very liberating. I think next time I'd like to try smaller piecing but, I still really like the way it turned out. I quilted this little quilt by hand. So far this has been the largest project that I've ever quilted by hand. It was very daunting at first... handling a bigger piece of cloth to quilt takes a bit of an adjustment. I tried using a frame and it worked just fine; however, it was bulky and for me hard to maneuver. I ended up removing the frame and and to me it was easier to quilt that way. I guess it is all about finding what works for us.

Hoping you have a beautiful week!




Around Here...

Happy Monday friends! I hope you are having a great start of the week. Around here things have been very busy and chaotic. So sewing has been scarce. My work has kept me very busy and away from my sewing machine. But on the plus side, the weather has been glorious. The wisteria vines in my little garden are laden with gorgeous purple blossoms and I just can't stop looking at them every chance I get. 

I hope things slow down soon and I can go back to creating and playing with fabric, but in the meantime I will enjoy the view.

Wishing you a beautiful week.



Color Inspiration

Color Inspiration:
Yarn - Color Inspiration
Color Inspiration - New yarn
Color Inspiration - New Yarn
I have a new color crush. I'm always inspired by nature and the flowers in my garden are a constant source of inspiration. Lately I have discovered that I'm drawn to the color purple, which happens to be abundant in my garden. Whether I'm choosing colors for my projects or my wardrobe purple seems to always be in my mind.  And my recent yarn purchase was no exception. It had to be purple! It is such a happy color don't you think?  The light purple or lavender yarn will become a shawl (a birthday present for someone special) and the darker one will become a cowl for me :) I can't wait to get started but in the meantime I'm getting lots of inspiration for even more future projects from this book.
I hope you have a happy weekend.


May Moments

May  Celebrations
May Celebrations - Lemon Cake
San Francisco's City Hall
San Francisco Brick Building
San Francisco's night lights
Monterey Bay
Walk on the beach

Hello friends! How is May treating you? For me May so far has been a busy and exciting month filled with great adventures and lovely moments to remember: celebrations, birthdays and a few road trips have filled our days. However, there has not been a lot of sewing going on. My sewing machine is feeling a little bit neglected. Also, I got new fabric with some birthday money and I can't wait to cut into it. But for now I'm savoring every special moment May is giving me.

I hope you have a lovely week!

