Scrappy Quarter Log Cabin Quilt II

Hello friends

I finished another scrappy quilt. I just love making scrappy projects. It is so satisfying to see the transformation from a pile of random scraps into the most dynamic, eclectic and at times chaotic (in a good way) piece of fabric.

A while back I made another quarter log cabin quilt (you can see it here); it was such a fun process making the log cabin blocks that I wanted to make another one. However for this quilt I assembled the blocks on point and added a small border around to allow he scrappy blocks to stand out. I can’t decide which arrangement I live better. But I love both quilts so much. To quilt this quilt I venture out of my comfort zone and deviated from my go to straight line quilting and I’m so glad I did. I used the Serpentine stitch on my Janome machine and I’m totally obsessed with the texture it provides; it give is so much movement and a lovely crinkle. For the binding I found a cute vintage fabric in my stash, she selvage said it was designed in 2001 and it just picks out all the colors from the blocks.

I just can’t get enough of scrappy projects. I’m already working on a couple more. I can’t wait to share with you.

Until next time


Blue and Green Log Cabin Quilt


Sharing this quilt is long overdue. As you can see I took the photos last winter when my wisteria was completely bare . Since then my wisteria has blossomed and now is full of lush green foliage.

I designed this quilt to showcase my small collection of Denise Schmitt’s fabrics that I have collected over the years. And to add a pop of color and some dimension to the quilt I decided to use Kona cotton in Picke green for the center of each block. There is something about that green that makes my hear sing. I think it is the loveliest shade of green and can’t get enough of that color. Each block is on the larger side measuring about 16 inches on each side: to achieve such oversized blocks I cut the strips for the logs of the cabin two inches wide. I think thus far this is may favorite size for log cabin blocks; the strips a wide enough that you can still appreciate the design of each fabric being used. The overall size of the quilt is about 90X90 inches. The backing is a bed sheet I found at Target; I thought it was such a stroke of good luck to find such a perfect match for this quilt.

This is the largest quilt I’ve have ever made. I don’t know if I’ll venture into making another quilt this size. It was quite challenge to quilt and wrestle all that fabric through my sewing machine. But the biggest obstacle was trying to get a full shot of the quilt. Usually my husband holds the quilts for me to take phots, but being such a large quilt it was challenging for one person to hold it up. So I set up the camera on the tripod with a timer and literally run to help hold it up. The full shot photos were not great but we had great fun. And I really love how this quilt turned out.

I had a few scraps left over from this quilt, and I’m already planning a small quilt to make. I can’t wait to share with you.

Wishing you a happy week



Coral Star Quilt


Hello friends!

It has been a long time since I’ve been to this space. I love creating and sharing my makes with you. However, sometimes life happens and other times I just felt very discouraged. I often questioned if I should continue blogging… I don’t have the time to devote all the time that it requires to do it right (but what is right really?).

This is a quilt a finished months ago and never shared. During this phase of questioning everything I didn't think it was special enough. Now looking back I realize that every quilt, every art project is special because it is part of us and reflects a moment in time in our creative lives. What inspire us to create such pice.

At the end of the day, I love looking back at this little journal and seeing what I have been able to create with just thread and fabric. That is pretty amazing on its own. And when you add the warmth of this online sewing community it is pretty hard to stay away. I think what is is important is to stop comparing ourselves with others and measure our success with what others accomplish. Everyone is different, so let’s celebrate our individuality.

Happy Sunday and see you around more often!



Square in a Square Quilt.


Happy New Year friends! I hope you had a lovey holiday season.

In the midst of the business of the season I managed to carve some time for sewing and finished a few projects. One of them is this lovely quilt I made for my sister in law who just had a baby boy. The fabric in the center was my inspiration for this quilt. I think it is Dear Stella Organic Cotton (but I’m not really sure) I bought it years ago and I stashed it away waiting for the perfect project. Do you ever do that? hold on to a pice of fabric until it speaks to you? I tend to do that a lot.

I’ve been wanting to make an economy block quilt for the longest time, but lately I have been very into large scale blocks or one block quilts… so I set myself to work out the math and make a Square in Square quilt. And oh boy I’m so glad I did. I love this quilt so much. I don’t know what it is… the colors, the whimsical characters on the center or the combination of all. It is one of those quilts that just makes me happy to look at.

Also, I have been working a lot behind the scenes and setting myself some goals as to what direction I want to take my little blog in 2019. Please stay tuned for some great things coming up. Thank you so much for following along and I hope you will continue giving me your support. I really appreciate it.



Large Granny Square Quilt II


Hello friends! It has been a great weekend. We celebrated Thanksgiving here in the US. There is so much I’m thankful for, but specially my little family. We spent many hours over the long weekend hanging out in my studio, listening to music and going on long walks. It was wonderful.

I finished the quilt to for my log cabin quilt I have been working on for the past couple of weeks. But instead of showing you a progress photo, I wanted to share with you another Large Granny Square Baby Quilt I finished a while ago. I completed it at the same time I finished the other Granny Square quilt I shared with you a few weeks ago. I have three Pugs so they all want their own quilt, lol

It has been great fun working on this one block quilts. I’ll definitely gonna be making more of these.

Wishing you a wonderful week!



Aztec Quilt


I’ve been keeping this baby quilt under wraps for a while. It was a gift for a cousin who had a baby boy. So I wanted to wait until she received it to share here. I crated the pattern myself inspired by the many Aztec Quilt interpretations I’ve seen on Pinterest and I just love how it turned out. The black with the white and the green (or should I say Pickle green) are my favorite color combo lately. I just can’t get over how much I love all these colors together. I backed this little quilt with the softest flannel which happens to be in plaid. So cute for a baby boy I think.

I really want to recreate this pattern again, but in a larger size. Maybe a throw quilt… Oh so many quilts to make, so little time :)

I hope you have a wonderful week!



Large Granny Square Quilt

I’m still playing with scraps. But the pile doesn't seem to diminish much. I decided to try my hand at making a large scale granny square block and make it into a baby quilt. Or should I say a pug quilt… my pugs love laying on quilts so I like making them small quilts for their beds. They look pretty around the house and they are the perfect size to try out new pattern ideas or quilting techniques. Also, they are great scrap-busters. And as a bonus point, f they don’t turn out great the pugs are not very critical, lol.

Love the way this little quilt turned out. Super scrappy and the meandering quilting give is such a great texture. I think I’ll be making this pattern again.

Wishing you a lovely week!



Windmill Quilt

Hello friends! Did you have a good weekend? Mine was fabulous. I continue to find more time for sewing and that makes me super happy. A couple weeks ago I finished this happy quilt. The pattern is called Wind Mill; I found it on Pinterest. I used the photo for inspiration but I designed my own block sizes. The fabric that I sued was the leftover scraps from my Modern Plus Quilt II I finished a while ago. The original quilt I gave it to a dear friend who lives far away and I don’t get to see very often. So It feels kind of nice to both have quilts made from the same fabric. The quilt fined at a nice 48X48 inches; great for a lap quilt. For this quilt I used muslin in natural color that I had in my stash. This is was a first for me and I quite like it. The end result is a light and airy quilt. I haven’t washed it yet, so I have yet to see have it washes up and how much it shrinks compared to 100% cotton.

Have you ever used muslin fabric to back your quilts? What is your experience?

I hope you have wonderful week.

