Nae Shawl

I love knitting, but it takes me a long time to finish a project. I wish a was faster at it, but I just can't. And it doesn't help that I go through periods of not knitting at all because of tendonitis in my hands. So when I get to finish a knitting project I have to confess I feel immensely proud of myself. I finished this lovely shawl a few months ago and it was long overdue. I'm so happy I finally got to photograph it and share it with you.  The pattern is so simple yet so elegant and a very easy project.  Pattern is free and available on Raverly.

I can't not say enough how happy I am with  how this shawl turned out. I love the color and the softness of the yarn.  And I'm even happier that I got to gift it to a dear friend. 

I hope you have a happy week.




Lately I've been trying to get back to crafting mode. I've missed sewing, quilting and knitting. It feels like it has been forever since I sat in front of my sewing machine. Putting back together my sewing room has been a slow process, but it will be worth it. In the mean time; I unpacked my knitting needles and some yarn and decided to start a Honey Cowl. This will be my second one. I just love the pattern so much and my first one is looking a little worn out since I wear it quite often. You can see my first Honey Cow here. It just feels so nice to be crafty again. 

I hope you have a lovely week.



Reykr Hat

Hello friends! Happy New Year! I hope you had a lovely holiday season. It feels really nice to be back here after a long hiatus and so glad life is settling down around here that I can get back to my crafting. My first finish for 2016 is this lovely hat designed Leisl from Buckaloo View . I had the pleasure of testing the pattern for her. I had so much fun knitting this hat. The pattern is easy to follow  and very adaptable. It has quickly become a favorite (My husband absolutely loves it and requested another one in a different color). So I'm already casting on a second one. The ribbing pattern allows for such a perfect fit and the way it finishes is so different and absolutely lovely. 

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful week. 

Swift Hat

Hello friends! I hope you had a lovely weekend. I had the craziest week. As I had mentioned before one of my beloved dogs has been sick and we have been dealing with that. But last Wednesday (as if I needed another sick pup) I had to rush my other dog (Miss Mona the pug) for an emergency surgery. It was very stressful for everyone at home. Specially because her condition was so critical that her vet could not perform the surgery and we had to take her to a Veterinary clinic for specialties. Thankfully she is now at home recovering. We are trying to keep her calm and quiet so I've been spending a lot time sitting by her side watching her and knitting to help me pass the time. So today I finished my Swift hat I started a couple weeks ago. The pattern is from the book Journey by Jane Richmond and Shannon Cook. The hat is supposed to be slouchy but it was turning out to be too much for my taste so I altered the pattern a bit and made it shorter than what it calls for. I'm so pleased with the way it turned out. I just hate the reason why I'been having so much time to knit. 

I wish you have a safe and happy week!



WIP: Kiwi Shawl

I've been slowly getting back to crafting and last week I picked up my Kiwi Shawl and started working on it again. Up until know I didn't have a name for it since I'm not following a pattern; I just wanted to knit this lovely yarn I had in my stash so I'm improvising as I go. My husband is the one who named it. I showed him the progress  after I added the brown accent and he very quickly replied: "it looks like a kiwi! I like it" After that lovely compliment I can't think of any other name :)

It is almost finished, right now I'm working on the border and very soon it will be off the needles. I can hardly wait.

I hope you have lovely week!



Finally Off The Needles

Happy Sunday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Things continue to be a bit hectic around here so there hasn't been a lot of finishes. I have so many projects I wish to work on, but sadly so little time. My poor sewing machine feels very neglected lately. But I've been working on my knitting (I love how portable it is) I carry my projects around everywhere I go. I love to knit in the car and my commute to work with the morning light is my absolute favorite time to get some knitting done. In the past  couple of weeks I made so much progress on my Nae shawl that I have been working on for quite some time (you can read about it here and here) and today I finally finished it! I love the way it turned out. I can't wait to take more photos and show you what a lovely pattern this is. 

I hope you have a wonderful week.

*Linking up to Wool on Sundays at Rainbow Hare Quilts and Yarn Along at Small Things*



On the Needles...

Happy Sunday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I'm so happy to have a few minutes to write on this space. Life has been crazy busy around here and sometimes it feels like there are not enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do. But slowly things are getting back to a normal pace. While I've been mostly absent from the sewing room and blogging most days I'm able to sneak in a few minutes of knitting during my morning commute. Even though I'm still working on my Nae Shawl; I decided to start another shawl. I found the yarn on clearance at my local crafts store and I couldn't pass it up. It is super soft. I wasn't too sure about the color at first but the texture and soft feel immediately caught my attention. However, the more I work on it, the more I like the color. It is so different from the colors that I usually pick, but I think it is good to try something different once in a while. 

Wishing you a beautiful week and lots of crafting time.



New Yarn and Knitting Dreams

Hello friends, I hope you had a lovely weekend. Today just flew by: I spent a big part of the day quilting the Wonky Log Cabin quilt I've working on. I can't wait to finish it. It is turning out so lovely (you can see some of the progress here and here). And while I was busy quilting I kept dreaming about what to do with my new yarn. It just arrived last Friday and I can't get over how pretty it is. I usually don't buy yarn without a project in mind, but I just couldn't resist. The pink bubble gum color is the perfect pop of color against the gray. I'm thinking a shawl or a cowl would look lovely with this yarn. Time to head on to Rarely and do some research :)

Wishing you a beautiful week. 

*Linking up to Wool On Sundays @ Rainbow Hare Quilts*

