Around Here...

Happy Monday friends! I hope you are having a great start of the week. Around here things have been very busy and chaotic. So sewing has been scarce. My work has kept me very busy and away from my sewing machine. But on the plus side, the weather has been glorious. The wisteria vines in my little garden are laden with gorgeous purple blossoms and I just can't stop looking at them every chance I get. 

I hope things slow down soon and I can go back to creating and playing with fabric, but in the meantime I will enjoy the view.

Wishing you a beautiful week.



A Picture... A Moment

Mint from the garden
My herb garden is coming back. Very soon I will have more mint that I would know what to do with it.

Hello Friends,
I've been debating for a couple of weeks wether or not to keep the Friday Link Up. After long consideration I have decided to close the chapter on on this little project. I had such a great time hosting the link up, specially seeing your moments that you shared. I want to thank you all for visiting my little blog and linking up during the short run of the link up. Thank you so much for your support I truly appreciate it. 
Spring is a time for new beginnings and I'm looking forward to see what the rest of 2014  will bring. Who knows they sky is the limit.

Happy Friday! 



Friday Link Up: A Picture... A Moment


Spring days in California. We been having a terrible drought, but we finally got some much needed rain and now everything looks green and so full of life.  It makes my heart sing.

How about you? Did yo happen to capture any special moments this week?

Weekend Doings

Join me and link up your post. Please visit others that link up and help me promote the link up with a text link or the button. 

Happy Friday!

