2019 Goals


Do you make New Year’s resolutions? I typically don’t. But this year I decided that I’ll make some resolutions regarding my crafty endeavors. I’ve been feeling at a cross roads for a few months deciding what direction I want to go. I want to challenge myself more creatively and attempt new things that I have been too timid or afraid to take one. I would like to share more tutorials and take your behind the scenes of my creative process. And the biggest one of all (and probably the scariest one) I’d like to open up a shop and sell some of the quilts that I make. I’ve been dreaming about this for a long time, but the fear of failure has kept me from going ahead and putting the plan in motion. It is interesting how we put ourselves limits for the fear for failing, so I decided to change the narrative and be more intrepid. I figure, If I try and I fail it will be better than to keep wondering what if?

So this year will be a year of new challenges, but I’m really excited.

Wishing you a wonderful week


Aztec Quilt


I’ve been keeping this baby quilt under wraps for a while. It was a gift for a cousin who had a baby boy. So I wanted to wait until she received it to share here. I crated the pattern myself inspired by the many Aztec Quilt interpretations I’ve seen on Pinterest and I just love how it turned out. The black with the white and the green (or should I say Pickle green) are my favorite color combo lately. I just can’t get over how much I love all these colors together. I backed this little quilt with the softest flannel which happens to be in plaid. So cute for a baby boy I think.

I really want to recreate this pattern again, but in a larger size. Maybe a throw quilt… Oh so many quilts to make, so little time :)

I hope you have a wonderful week!



Stripes Quilt II


Lately I have been busy making baby quilts, or should I say pug quilts. My beloved pug babies love mommy's quilts, so I've been super inspired making them their own quilts. This one is a simple design but I love how it turned out. I used fabric from my stash that I have been wanting to use for a while, but I didn't have enough to make a larger quilt. The back is leftover from another quilt and the batting was also leftover from various projects (and it have to be pieced). But my girls love their new quilt and I loved using what I already had in hand. 

Can't wait to show you the other tow quilts I made. I wish you have a wonderful week. 



Stripes Quilt - A Quilt for Mona


It has been a few weeks since I sewed anything until today; and it got me thinking how our emotions play a big role in our creativity. Things have been quite emotional in our home. My beloved pug Mona has been very sick. It has taken many visits to the Vet and Vet specialists to find a few answers and her diagnosis is very discouraging. However, today she was feeling better; thus I felt compelled to sew. Mona loves quilts so I decided to make her a new quilt. So she can feel a hug from mommy every time  she sleeps on it, specially when she is not feeling very well. 

I wanted a quick finish so Miss Mona could start using her quilt right away and this design really fit the bill. All the fabrics were in my stash already and they happen to coordinate very well. I love using what I already have. 

As I type this little Miss Mona is sleeping all bundle up on her quilt, which makes this project ever more satisfying. 

I hope you have a lovely week. Please keep my baby on your prayers.




Picking Up The Pieces

Hello friends, it has been a while since I've been to this space or visited your blogs. It was not my intention to go missing for so long. But sometimes one just needs to take a break. I think blogging and crafting requires passion and I had lost my passion. I still love and cherish this space and the friendships that has brought to my life, but I was just too sad. In November I lost my beloved pet Chihuahua Mini Lou. She had been with us for almost 15 years and loosing her just unraveled a chain of emotions that were too difficult to bare. She was my child... my baby. My husband and I had battled infertility for many years and after all of our failed procedures we became extremely attached to this sweet little soul. She filled the void in our lives and gave purpose to my life when I needed it the most. Thanks to having her in my life I've became a mommy for the first time.

Things a a bit better now. We still have our pug Mona, she is the kindest and most cuddly pug you'll ever meet and love her to pieces. And most recently a new puppy joined our little family. She is a pug named Zoey. The puppy is keeping me busy and between Mona's and Zoey's little antics I've been able to smile again.  I'm trying to pick up the pieces and get back to crafting... I started a quilt and it feels really good to be back in my sewing room playing with fabric again. 

Thank you for visiting and I hope you have a lovely week



Swift Hat

Hello friends! I hope you had a lovely weekend. I had the craziest week. As I had mentioned before one of my beloved dogs has been sick and we have been dealing with that. But last Wednesday (as if I needed another sick pup) I had to rush my other dog (Miss Mona the pug) for an emergency surgery. It was very stressful for everyone at home. Specially because her condition was so critical that her vet could not perform the surgery and we had to take her to a Veterinary clinic for specialties. Thankfully she is now at home recovering. We are trying to keep her calm and quiet so I've been spending a lot time sitting by her side watching her and knitting to help me pass the time. So today I finished my Swift hat I started a couple weeks ago. The pattern is from the book Journey by Jane Richmond and Shannon Cook. The hat is supposed to be slouchy but it was turning out to be too much for my taste so I altered the pattern a bit and made it shorter than what it calls for. I'm so pleased with the way it turned out. I just hate the reason why I'been having so much time to knit. 

I wish you have a safe and happy week!



Color Inspiration

Color Inspiration:
Yarn - Color Inspiration
Color Inspiration - New yarn
Color Inspiration - New Yarn
I have a new color crush. I'm always inspired by nature and the flowers in my garden are a constant source of inspiration. Lately I have discovered that I'm drawn to the color purple, which happens to be abundant in my garden. Whether I'm choosing colors for my projects or my wardrobe purple seems to always be in my mind.  And my recent yarn purchase was no exception. It had to be purple! It is such a happy color don't you think?  The light purple or lavender yarn will become a shawl (a birthday present for someone special) and the darker one will become a cowl for me :) I can't wait to get started but in the meantime I'm getting lots of inspiration for even more future projects from this book.
I hope you have a happy weekend.


May Moments

May  Celebrations
May Celebrations - Lemon Cake
San Francisco's City Hall
San Francisco Brick Building
San Francisco's night lights
Monterey Bay
Walk on the beach

Hello friends! How is May treating you? For me May so far has been a busy and exciting month filled with great adventures and lovely moments to remember: celebrations, birthdays and a few road trips have filled our days. However, there has not been a lot of sewing going on. My sewing machine is feeling a little bit neglected. Also, I got new fabric with some birthday money and I can't wait to cut into it. But for now I'm savoring every special moment May is giving me.

I hope you have a lovely week!

