On the Needles...

Happy Sunday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I'm so happy to have a few minutes to write on this space. Life has been crazy busy around here and sometimes it feels like there are not enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do. But slowly things are getting back to a normal pace. While I've been mostly absent from the sewing room and blogging most days I'm able to sneak in a few minutes of knitting during my morning commute. Even though I'm still working on my Nae Shawl; I decided to start another shawl. I found the yarn on clearance at my local crafts store and I couldn't pass it up. It is super soft. I wasn't too sure about the color at first but the texture and soft feel immediately caught my attention. However, the more I work on it, the more I like the color. It is so different from the colors that I usually pick, but I think it is good to try something different once in a while. 

Wishing you a beautiful week and lots of crafting time.

