Conquering My Fear of Color


I finally got back to my sewing machine and I finished a quilt! It is a small one but I'm really excited about  it and so happy to share with you.  The colors are not something that I would typically choose. For some reason I always shy away from bright colors. But I received a fat eight bundle of these happy fabrics as a gift and I couldn't resist to turn them into a quilt and conquer my fear of color. The quilt top was so easy and fun to put together; I simply cut strips of 1-1/2 inches wide and  of different lengths and joined them together randomly to get a scrappy effect. For the backing I used the ever so popular Britten Nummer fabric from Ikea (I had some left over from another project and was very surprised at how well it complements the bright colors from the quilt top). But I think my favorite detail about this quilt is the aqua binding. I chose it a the last minute and I absolutely love how it ties everything together. It is like an explosion of color :)

I'm so thankful to have received these lovely and cheerful fabrics because they have definetely made me less affraid of using more color on my projects. 

*Linking up to

Let's Bee  Sewcial at Sew Fresh Quilts


Have a beautiful week!



Triangle Quilt

Happy Sunday! I hope you had a lovely weekend. I had an amazing weekend.  I finally finished my triangle quilt I've been working on. So happy the way it turned out and I even more excited that it is my first quilt finish of the year. Yay! Also, my husband and I took a nice drive to a National Park we have been itching to explore. It is so beautiful we are definitely going to be back and as added bonus it has great spots for photographing quilts :)

Anyway back to this little quilt. I'm totally smitten with the triangle pattern and I want to make more triangle quilts. My triangle rulers makes cutting a snap and piecing so easy. This quilt measures approximately 55X55 inches (I had planned to make it a little bit larger but I ran out of fabric). But still is a good size lap quilt.  I quilted it with a simple meandering pattern. I just took it out of the dryer and is so crinkly! I love it. Now what to do next? 

Have a wonderful week!

*Linking up to

Let's Bee Social

at Sew Fresh Quilts*



Feathers And Patchwork: My Christmas Quilt

Feathers & Patchwork Quilt
Feathers & Patchwork Quilt
Featahers & Patchwork Quilt
Feathers & Patchwork Quilt

Happy Sunday, I hope you are enjoying the holidays. I had a wonderful Christmas. As it is our tradition we spend Christmas Eve with our extended family. Then my husband and I spend Christmas day at home watching movies and relaxing. And this year was not the exception; we watched all the movies we had been 'saving up',  and ate way too much popcorn and candy. But this year I added something new to our tradition: a new quilt to snuggle under while watching our movies. As you might remember I started working on my Christmas quilt at the beginning of December (you can read more about it 


). I wasn't sure I was going to able to finish it. The piecing is very simple and the quilt top came together in no time, but the quilting is another story. I decided to quilt it with straight lines about 3/4" apart. The quilting was slowly progressing when my machine decided to act up (now I need to take it in for service). Luckily I have another machine: a

vintage Kenmore

that a friend gave a while back and I had never used. Well, the little machine came through: it sews beautifully and I finished my quilt in time. 

I'm so happy with how this quilt turned up. I love the random patchwork. If feels very homemade and the flannel backing feels so warm and cozy. It has quickly become a family favorite.

Have a wonderful week and see you next year!



Improv Little Stars

Improv Little Stars Quilt
Improv Little Stars
Improv Little Stars
Improv Little Stars

I started this quilt a few weeks ago. I had no plan of pattern in mind; I just wanted to sew something. So I pulled some fabrics from my stash and began cutting and piecing. I love the freedom of improv piecing. You never know where it is going to take you. It feels like a little surprise every time you add one more piece to the puzzle. And this time improv piecing didn't disappoint: I'm so in love with how this quilt turned out. It is on the smaller side as it only measures about 30 inches by 40 inches. But even though it is small, I think it the randomness of the piecing gives it so much character. I decided to quilt it with simple loops all over to complement the random piecing. The backing is a cozy super soft flannel I found a my local Jo-Ann. Oh there is something about polka dots... I just can get enough of them 

Now on to start making some Christmas presents. How about you, are you planning a handmade Christmas?

Have a lovely week!



Half Square Triangles and Summer Colors

Half Square Triangles Quilt
Half Square Triangles Quilt
Half Square Triangles Quilt
Half Square Triangle Quilt
Half Square Triangles Quilt - Back

Happy Sunday! I hope you had a lovely weekend.  I finished this quilt last week; it was a birthday gift for my sister-in-law, so I had to hold off showing it to you until I gave it to her (I didn't want to ruin the surprise). As you know inspiration comes from many places and for this quilt it all started with 

this photo

; the colors feel very fresh and summery and when paired with the white cotton they really stand out. I have been wanting to make a quilt using half  square triangles and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to give it a try... and I love it. Half square triangles are so versatile and I have the feeling this won't be the last quilt I make using them.

For the quilting I just did straight lines highlighting the half square triangles. I really like how the quilting shows on the back of the quilt.

I love how this quilt turned out: so fresh and simple... my little summer crush :)



Patchwork Frames Quilt: Finished

Patchwork Frames Quilt
Patchwork Frames Quilt
Patchwork Frames Quilt
Patchwork Frames Quilt
Patchwork Frames Quilt

Happy Labor Day! I hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed the holiday. It was nice to stay home one extra day and catch up on things around the house. I finished my 

Patchwork Frames Quilt

. The pattern is by the very talented Beth 

@ Plum and June

. You can find her tutorial for the block and the quilt pattern 


. It is a beautiful pattern and it comes together really easy. And they fussy cut in the center of each block is a great opportunity to showcase pieces of your most treasured fabric pieces. I used some of my beloved Alexander Henry Paris Flea Market. I have been saving it for something special and I thought this was it. Specially because I decided that this quilt was going to be for me. lol.

While the quilt top came together quite fast it felt like it took me a while to finish this quilt. The quilting really took me a long time. I decided to do Free Motion Quilting all over and  I hit a few bumps along the way. One time I forgot to set the stitch length to zero and the thread kept breaking and I had to do a lot of unpicking (not fun). I checked and checked and everything seemed right with my machine, but the thread kept breaking. I was so frustrated (I even cursed my machine a few times), and when I was ready to give up I realized that "little detail" about the stitch length. I felt so silly afterwards. But after that incident the quilting was a smooth sail. And the whole experience made me feel more confident about FMQ.  I really love the way it turned out with lots of crinkles all over. I backed the quilt with flannel. This is my fist time I use flannel for a quilt backing: it feels so soft and cozy! 

Quilt Stats:

Measures: 54.5"X74"

Fabrics: Alexander Henry, Glimma Kite Tail, Glimma Trees, Moda Comma, Kona Steel, Legacy Studio Natural and Joann's Quilter's Showcase.

Quilted by me.



A Mini Quilt for Home

Home Mini Quilt & Lavender
Home Mini Quilt
Home Mini Quilt
Home Mini Quilt

A few days ago Kristy @ 

Quiet Play

 was looking for pattern testers for her latest design. I've been so busy, but I couldn't help myself  and jumped at the opportunity. Kristy's designs are fantastic and this one is not the exception. The pattern is called Teeny Houses and consists of  9 different 6" blocks. Every little house is a bit different from the other and they are adorable. I had the pleasure of testing one the blocks. My experience with paper piecing is still limited, but the pattern is very well written and easy to follow. It comes together very quickly.  

Anyway, after I finished testing the pattern I decided to make my little block into a wall hanging to decorate my sewing room.  The words on the mini quilt are embroidered with DMC embroidery floss on natural linen (linen is my absolute favorite fabric).  The quilting is free motion quilting  with single loops all over. Yes you heard it right, free motion quilting! I finally tried free motion quilting for the first time and I am so pleased with the results. I still need to practice a lot more, but thank goodness the linen is very forgiving and it doesn't show much my mistakes.

