A Mini Quilt for Home

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Home Mini Quilt
Home Mini Quilt
Home Mini Quilt

A few days ago Kristy @ 

Quiet Play

 was looking for pattern testers for her latest design. I've been so busy, but I couldn't help myself  and jumped at the opportunity. Kristy's designs are fantastic and this one is not the exception. The pattern is called Teeny Houses and consists of  9 different 6" blocks. Every little house is a bit different from the other and they are adorable. I had the pleasure of testing one the blocks. My experience with paper piecing is still limited, but the pattern is very well written and easy to follow. It comes together very quickly.  

Anyway, after I finished testing the pattern I decided to make my little block into a wall hanging to decorate my sewing room.  The words on the mini quilt are embroidered with DMC embroidery floss on natural linen (linen is my absolute favorite fabric).  The quilting is free motion quilting  with single loops all over. Yes you heard it right, free motion quilting! I finally tried free motion quilting for the first time and I am so pleased with the results. I still need to practice a lot more, but thank goodness the linen is very forgiving and it doesn't show much my mistakes.



Cross Stitching

Cross Stitch - Rose Pattern
Cross Stitch
Emboridery Florss

I started a cross stitch project! Can you tell I'm excited? Cross stitching has been in my mind for a while, but I always seemed to find an excuse to postpone it. Well, it seems like my dad read my mind and decided to give the encouragement that I needed. He just came back from a trip to Mexico and brought me several cross stitch pattern booklets and cross stitch fabric. I was so delighted with my present that on Saturday I took out my embroidery flosses, organized them (finally!) and started stitching. I'm very slow, but it is really fun to the see pattern come together as you stitch every single little cross. At the speed that I'm going it looks like it is going to be a long term project, but it gives me something to do when I'm watching TV with my husband. 
I hope you have a lovely week.

*Linking up to Fabric Mutt for the Let's Get Acquainted Monday Link Up from Plum and June and Sew Cute Tuesda at Better off Thread*
